Monday, February 27, 2006

life changing?

Well, in about 4 hours, I am leaving my house to head to the airport for a trip that many are calling "one of a lifetime". I will be gone until July 13 so in total, that is 137 days (I had to total it up for travel insurance purposes).

I was up till 4 am last night and I'm still doing stuff. Man, so many last minute things that I left too late - my fault of course. And that new iPod Nano is amazing but wow, that was a bit of a LONG process to load it up. I even had to call Apple Tech support - man I'm a loser.

Stay tuned for several updates and I hope I'll be able to figure out how to upload photos to this site too.

Thanks for all the well wishes from everyone. It really means a lot and definitely - thanks for coming out to Sage last week for my party. That was a blast. And, here are some pics from that night.

Until we meet again...

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