Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February is here?

Wow, this month is going by fast. Not sure if all of you know but this is my LAST week of work. I have officially resigned from my job and this Friday February 17th is my last day. On February 27 (less than 2 weeks from now), I take off for a little journey. I'll be hitting England, India, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of Europe - returning by the middle of July.

It's kinda nuts and I'm definitely a little scared about the whole thing but I think it'll be a fantastic experience and one that I never regret. If I didn't go - that would have been my only regret cause once it was in my head, it was just something that made sense and something I had to do.

I like to plan everything and make sure that I know what's going on. So far, I haven't really been able to wrap my head around this trip. It's coming so fast and I am still working till Friday. AND work is VERY busy right now. So, next week is gonna be a blur and before I know it, I'll be on a plane heading out. I've got this list of "to do's" and it is only growing even thought I am tackling things on it.

Gotta get back to work but before I go. Some shoutouts...

1. Congrats to Bobby and Bonnie on their engagement. It was a lot of fun at your party on Saturday night and my apologies about the ICICI jab - hopefully no one was too vexed about that ;o)
2. Happy Birthdays go out to Byron, Ian, Sherry, Arthur, Anh, Vip, Bobby, Sarah and Julie.

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