Wednesday, February 27, 2002

it's pretty strage how two different days can feel so different. this past week was fantastic, culminated with the events of sunday and the happiness i felt. today on the other hand was a new day and there is definitely no more happiness. it's actually quite glum. i couldn't sleep much last night. i had a revelation. i am not happy with things right now. i don't quite know what i wanna change or what i will change but i'll do something soon. it's weird how the tide can turn so fast. i was on top of the world a day or two ago and now, i feel like i'm on the exact opposite end. school is the main problem now. that's probably the main cause for my frustration this evening. but, that is MY own fault. i can't blame anyone else. now, i've just gotta pull up my socks. ONLY two more months...I can do it. in fact, I better DO IT!!!

good night all. let's home tomorrow is a better day

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