Thursday, February 28, 2002

the end is near to a good day. got a lot done today. had a really deep coversation with rachel this evening. rachel...don't worry, everything is gonna work out and it's all happening for a reason. perhaps the stuff we talked about will lead to the right direction that things need to start moving. regardless, i'm here every step of the way.

bioprocessing - it's on! the differences between soy and dairy milk processing
b2b - bring it on as well! SCM in the health care industry and CRM for microsoft
advertising - that can't ain't scarin' me!
stats - you scared me this past week but now it's my turn to bite back!

been to the gym 3 times this week so that was good. gonna do some cardio tomorrow. i made a ginger chicken dish for dinner was pretty good. needed more of a sauce though. going to see the pocketdwellers tomorrow night and it's gonna be an awesome show. those guys rock!

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