Wednesday, September 04, 2002

I watched The Sum of All Fears last night and it was pretty good. A little slow at times but overall the concept was neat. I thought that the whole thing about the U.S. and Russia potentially going to war over something that neither of them started was very plausible. I also liked the fact that a bomb actually did go off and kill people as opposed to most movies when the bomb is averted at the last minute. Once again, Ben Affleck did nothing for me. I really think that he is a crumby actor!

Today, went to my first hospital site. I was at The Hospital for Sick Kids this morning and it was really neat to be there for the first time walking around seeing what our products actually do to help patients and doctors. Sick Kids is a very unique hospital and it is really hard to see some of the kids in the shape they are in. Those kids are some of the most courageous people in the world. And to think what their parents are going through as it is just way too sad. At the same point though, an institution like Sick Kids is so groundbreaking and it is doing so much to improve the health of ill children so that should be commended.

Went car shopping with my mom again tonight. We've narrowed it down to a short list (it's actually a pretty common shortlist for most asian families)

Honda Civic LX Model
Toyota Corolla LE Model
Mazda Protege LX Sport Package

We've test driven them all. Like some features on one...some on another. Cost is virtually the same. Do any of ya'll have any suggestions?

E-Mail me if you do.
Thanks and good night.

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