Friday, April 11, 2003

I am in my hotel room right now in New York New York on the strip in Las Vegas. It is 2:13 am local time and I just got home from a club called Rain. It was AMAZING. I wish i didn't have to leave early but I have to get to my work training thing tomorrow morning at 7:30 am so I have to get up in a few hours. That sucks but what can you do? I am going to to out hard tomorrow night after the Leaf game so that is going to be tight. So far Vegas is really tight. Other than the fact that I lost $66 USD (which is like $100 CDN) tonight on Black Jack and Craps (Which I played for the first time). I will have to WIN IT BACK TOMORROW NIGHT!!!

Good Night all.
Sweet Dream.
You are the bomb!!!

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