Tuesday, April 22, 2003

i am so said that the toronto maple leaf season has come to an end this evening...i just don't know what to say or do. i am completely in shock and i wasn't expecting this at all. here are two e-mails that i wrote earlier this evening...

the leafs played and won their game 7 on monday night. they gave it there all and knew that they had to win. normally, the team leading 3-2 that loses game 6 has a tough time in game 7. this year...not the same. this game was totally like game 7 of the second round between the leafs/blues 10 years ago in 92/93. the leafs beat the blues (with cujo as their goalie at the time) 6 - 0. you might remember that wendel had this wicked slapper that knocked off cujo's helmet.

anyway...about this game tonight. i am sitting here on my couch feeling like absolute poo. i really hate the flyers so much. i hate primeau, roenick, amonte, leclair, the whole damn team!!! i absolutely despise brashear. he is so damn annoying. don't know if cbc showed it but espn was such flyers-focused coverage. they showed brashear getting out of his yellow lamborghini. what a chump!

anyway, the leafs just didn't get it done tonight. they didn't come to play. you could tell in the first 10 minutes that the flyers were dominating (just like game 1, 2, 4 and 5). the flyers were strong but not moreso than any other game. i think that the leafs were just weaker this evening. they just couldn't pull it off. i'm interested to see what was really wrong with owen nolan. the one time he had any jump was during overtime in game 6 (he was on fire but that was the only time). and that concussion to mogilny in game 3 must have affected him more than we actually know cause after that game...he hasn't done too much for the rest of the series. i must say that sundin is unbelieveable - he is such a talented player...so many amazing moves. it is incredible to watch him. belfour was solid all season and bailed this team out so many times this year. he just had an off game tonight and lost his composure a few times but really, can you blame him? his team wasn't playing in front of him.

i don't know what else to say other than...
Congrats on a great season Toronto!


have a good evening boys,
i know i won't...

now for round 2 of my comments...

sundin - great player...lots of heart...but didn't really show the production that is required from your best offensive player. he had a lot of dazzle, was great on the draws but just was missing something. although i hate him, you can see the killer instinct that roenick possesses. we need sundin to display instinct like that.

quinn - gotta get out of one of his jobs. it's time to get a legit coach in there or a legit GM. we need to retool the front office

lumme/berg - give me a freaking heart attack whenever they are on the ice. damn, lumme has definitely gotta go. one thing that we are still severely lacking is the fact that we don't have a good defensive defenseman. we are missing the bob rouse's, sylvain lefebvre's, danny markov's and jason smith's of the world. truely sadly missing that element to the game.

next year - gone should be hoglund, belak (maybe keep him as a 7th or 8th defensemen), housley, lumme, tucker (i think that we can get a good defencemen for him), reichel, renberg (could be expendable).

hopefully gilmour plays another season...could be an effective 3rd or 4th line centre behind sundin, antropov and one more guy. wingers - mogilny, nolan, roberts are strong.

who is out there?
good night...

i'll leave it all at that for now...

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