Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I had a wonderful weekend. Went out with friends. Partied hard. Met some new people. Ate some great food (Crawdaddy's and EE-Sane). Watched some great basketball games AND I got some work done (stuff that I really needed to finish too). So, I would have to say that all in all...this was the prototypical Work Hard, Play Hard weekend! Today...I had the craziest, hardest aerobics class ever! It was kind of like a high paced cardio workout combined with some weight and strength conditioning. There were jumping jacks, skipping, lots of dips, push ups and sit ups/crunches. It was all quite intense and after, I definitely felt like I worked my ass off.

Then, I came home for dinner and Dave, Veronica and I made yet another feast:
Baked Salmon with lemon, dill, parlsey, salt and pepper
Pan-Seared Steak with garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil
Baked red potatos, spanish onion, spinach and garlic drissled in olive oil and fresh herbs
Homemade apple pie (crust and all) with coconut gelato
a nice Merlot

It was a fine evening and now, I'm just getting ready for bed.

This weekend - it looks like I'll be going to Sault Ste Marie to hang out with the Popo. It should be a blast...I am totally looking forward to it. Quick randoms before I hit the sack. The Leafs are starting the playoffs next week! Should be sweet. The Final Four is set. All I need is a Kansas - Syracuse final with Kansas winning it all and I'll be raking in some good cash next week. SWEET. The SARS scare is getting to be quite freaky at home. I was talking to Tchao and my mom and they were telling me somet of the stuff going on in Toronto. Now - 4 people have died, there are about 50 cases, 3 hospitals closed - it's getting bad!

There are some funny things on this site. Take a look...
Good night.

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