Monday, September 20, 2004

Guess who's back...

What you can't guess? Well, let me give you a hint. I HATE him and want to shove speakers down his throat? Still can't remember? Well, how about the TOOL that I want kick repeatedly in the head? you have it...the stupid-ass neighbour with the loud music. On Saturday night, he went out and left his damn CD on. I think he purposely left it on. Anyway, it was on all night from 11:00 pm until 6:00 am the next morning (when he got home). CAN YOU #@#%$#@%@# believe that? And right now, it is so loud that I can hear his music clearly and can't even hear my own which is on in my room right beside my damn computer.

I am not that impressed at all. It actually was a quiet summer. BUT NOT ANYMORE.

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