Thursday, December 22, 2005

Good Times

Last night, the top floor of the Philip St. Townhouse posse had a bit of a reunion. Cdawg was in town from Vancouver and we chilled at Etch's place. It was a blast. Cris joined the boys for a little while and overall, we had a fantastic time. Just great to reminisce about old times and joke around. The infamous Sept 11 story was shared yet again and numerous other ones. We had a little "fresh air" on the balcony and man was that ever good. Just relaxed and chilled out for the night. Oh yeah, Cdawg and Etch made some killer natchos. Just like back in the day. All we were missing was some tuna melts (the other Philip Street favourite).

Looking forward to more times like this during the holidays...

Etch just sent a hilarious forward. Watch this Jay Leno video (all the way to the end).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just watched that Jay Leno clip. SOOO hilarious! It just made my Christmas Eve. : ) Merry Christmas, Goks!