Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Hello everyone, It's a new day...bright and cheery outside and very very pleasant. I played golf this morning. First 9 holes of the year and I didn't do THAT bad. I shot a 47. Okay that is quite bad but I thought I would be in the 60's or something cause I haven't even been to the range yet. I hit 7 out of 9 fairways and my putting improved by the end. Needless to say, a good first game and now I'm just itching for more.

Japan sadly lost this morning 1 - 0 to Turkey. I didn't sleep last night and watched the game at 2:00 am. It was raining for the entire game and the Japanese team just didn't look as into it as normal. The Turkish goal was weak. The Japanese hit the crossbar. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. BUT, Korea did upset Italy on a Golden Goal so that was fantastic. What a thrilling game and seeing the sea of red devils in the stands was truely a remarkable site. I really had a good time watching that game...it was awesome.

Now - it's back to sorting out my life. Still got lots of unpacking, scrapbook preparing, computer formatting, real webpage making and shopping to do. I really hope this next month and a half doesn't fly by. I wanna totally enjoy it before the real world starts...

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