Tuesday, July 23, 2002

It is raining like a mofo out there right now. I was at the Scarborough Bluffs with Winnie tonight for a bit of rollarblading. Afterwards, we went to the bar by the water and were sitting enjoying some drinks when it slowly started to rain. Actually, for about 20 minutes before the rain came, there was just a beautiful lightning storm. Then, it started to rain a little. Then, the power everywhere south of St. Clair went out and it got really cool cause it was so dark and all you could hear was the tremendous rain and all you could see was the periodic flashes of lightning. During the drive home it was raining even harder and I got pretty drenched on the run from my car to the front door (and of course, I had to fumble with my key as I was trying to open the door).

This weekend was great. I went with Ketan to Ottawa to visit Tanuja. The weather was great and Ottawa was totally chilled out so that was great. We got to Ottawa on Friday night pretty late and chilled out for a bit before going to play pool. Upon return, we partook in some extracurricular activities and ate a lot of Deep and Delicious Chocolate Cake - IT WAS SOOOO GGGOOOOOODDD!!! Saturday - woke up pretty late and had the WORST lunch at Meditheo in the Market. DO NOT EAT THERE!!! I REPEAT, DO NOT EAT THERE. The service was absolutely horrible and it took over two hours for the entire ordeal. Alls I's gots to say is "Lunch should not take over two hours!" After that debacle, we walked around the market, went to the Parliament buildings, Sat by the Ottawa river throwing all kinds of rocks into the water for all kinds of games. Played MASH (remember that game???) on a patio afterwards with some really spicy Caesars. In the evening, we chilled at Tanuja's and had cornbread, pate, some wicked cheeses and grapes - a very grown up meal! Chilled for a bit longer with a lot of wine and more party treats. Teja and Geeta joined us and then we all went out for a pub for some drinks before calling it an evening. Came back to the Tdot with Kdot today.

Last Thursday (the 18th), I met my mentor, Larry. He seems like a fantastic guy and I am really looking forward to working with him. It is going to be a very demanding job - especially technically, but I am up for the challenge for sure. After that, I went to my old place of employment, Bell ExpressVu and met with most of the Marketing team at their new location. It was great to see them all. Everyone was excited about my trip and my upcoming job. I was excited to find out how business was going and thought it was very interesting to find that the department I was a part of is the one that is not performing very well as we speak. On Friday, I went to see the PPV gang and ExpressVu and it was great to hang out with them as well and show them my photos. All in all, my two days visiting ExpressVu were awesome and made me realize how much I actually miss that place.

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