Sunday, July 28, 2002

Tonight was great. Some family friends came over and they have a little 5 year old daughter. I've only met this girl a few times but each time I meet her, we play and play and play and I love being around her. She is so cute and really smart. Tonight while we were playing with legos, she said to me "I'm really glad i came to meeted you today" and then she said "I really really missed you so much". When she said that, it made me feel so good cause I was thinking the same thing about her. Playing with a little kid is a lot of fun. They like to hear "funny stories", they like to see magic and they love using their imaginations. It was so great seeing her and playing with her. My fish even has a name now. After feeding her, she named the fish Goldie. That girl is awesome and I can't wait to see her again. She gave me a big hug when her and her parents left and invited me over to her house to play soon.

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