it's july 12, 2002. i got home on june 12th, 2002. can you believe that i have been home for a WHOLE month already? man, where did the time go? and now, i've only got 3 weeks until work starts...and then oh boy.
My dad and I finished sanding the deck yesterday and stained it today. To be honest, it doesn't look as good as I expected, given all the work that we put into it but let me wait to pass judgement until I see it again tomrrow cause the, the stain will be all dried and it might look a lot better. I'll keep you posted.
Before I move on, happy birthday to Rachel and karen. Hope you lovely ladies had/are having excellent days.
I am sitting here at 3:56 in the morning. I got home from Niagara Falls about 2.5 hours ago and I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn't fall asleep at all so I've been surfing the web for the last bit. Decided to update my blog as well cause I've got all these random thoughts running through my head. I am happy with my life today. Although, there are things that I would like to definitely change. I am back onto that whole "body/health" kick and I've gotta get on that joggin bandwagon again cause I've been falling off as of late. Also, my appetite has seemed to return after I thought that I had lost it after the trip. I've gotta stop snacking. I guess more than anyhting though, it just comes down to self esteem and self confidence. In Asia, I was brimming with it cause I felt I was invinceable, traveling all by myself on the other side of the world. Back here though, I don't feel like I have that same uniqueness and at times, I feel like just another face in the crowd. I am not worried though...
Big News. I am car shopping with my mom. We are looking at Civics and Corollas - pretty standard but really, they are the two most popular cars on the road at present with good reason. Gonna do some test driving next week so that will be a treat.
Check out these battling rhymes...
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