Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Hey folks. It's been a while since I wrote so sorry about that. I actually have quite a few updates for ya'll so where should I begin? I'll try and go in chronological order and see what happens. Last week, on Tuesday...I drove to Chicago for work...went to visit the Ultrasound department at Mercy Hospital (just doing a little job shadowing of an account manager while I was out there). It was cool to be in front of a customer and made me realize just how much I still don' tknow. Damn, I've got a lot of ish to take care of. That night - drove back to Milwaukee in a crazy snow storm. I left Chicago at 4:15 and didn't get home to Milwaukee until about 7:50. Damn! That was almost a 4 hour drive for what usually takes 1.25 hours. I decided to reward myself that night and had some sushi which turned out to me relatively yummy but it won't be anything in comparison to what I'm having this weekend (more about that shortly). The next day, training again but afterwards, I was on my way back to Chicago. Why you ask? Well, let me tell you.

I went to one of the best concerts EVER. I saw Tabla Beat Science which was absolutely mesmorizing. Words cannot describe how spectacular Zakir Hussain is on the tabla...especially when you see it live and can totally aprpciate it. His hands move as fast as a swarm of killer bees around honey (okay, perhaps that wasn't the best analogy but my creative juices just ain't flowing right now). Karsh Kale was wicked on the drums as well and he dabbled with the tabla a bit too which was cool to see. The last time I saw him, he played a lot more tabla but I figure that with Zakir there this time around...he didn't bother attempting it as much. Dj Disk was sweet on the 1's and 2's - he and Zakir had some wicked compilation pieces, especially the ones where they would "battle" each other. I went with Ravo and his parents, who had a good time. The crowd was so was hilarious.There was the office crowd (in suits and ties), the pot-smoking hippies, the rastas, the b-boys, the gap kids, the rough necks and of course all the aunties and uncles (Indian mothers and fathers - my parents age).

I finally saw Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers on Saturday afternoon. It was a great movie. Again, the special effects were fascinating...and the scenery was great. The plot development was good and I like how they picked off where the first movie left off. All the characters were money once again. And Gollum (Smeigel) was really cool. What a weird and scary character at first but then, he grows on you but at the end, you are skeptical again so it makes for interesting times. The final movie – “The Return of the King”, should be awesome. It’s only 10 months away!

Saturday night, I went with my buddy Raymond to Madison, WI. We had a good time chilling at some bars and going out with some friends. Madison is totally a University town so it definitely felt like I was back at Waterloo partying with buddies.

Sunday came and it was just a lazy day. Cleaned the bathroom, did some ironing, went over my bills, some vacuuming – all good times for sure! Felt like Martha Stewart by the end of the day.

And then there was Monday…watched Guru. That was a pretty funny movie. Very interesting topic…that’s for sure.

The last thing I will write about tonight is my beloved Toronto Maple Leafs. I really like all of these trades they’ve made. Getting Owen Nolan and Doug Gilmour up front is fantastic and Glen Wesley, Phil Housley on the point is sweet too. All of these acquisitions are old but still good. I like that Pat Quinn is actually making a push for the cup this year. We’ll see how it plays all.

Have a sore throat…gotta get some rest.
Good night folks.

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