Sunday, March 23, 2003

I don't blog that often anymore but I will write right now. Not sure how long or short this blog will be but I'll just start typing and see how this goes. The war has started and that makes me quite uneasy. I totally don't like the idea of war and do not condone it at all. That being said, I struggle to figure out if there is a more diplomatic way of getting Saddam Hussein out of Iraq. It's scary to think that this is the only solution and only possible course of action for other countries in the world to take against this regime in Iraq. He's had such a long time (since the Gulf War) to actually control his actions and change his ways but over the years, things in Iraq and conditions for the people of Iraq have just gotten worse and worse. I see what countries like the U.S., England, Spain et all are trying to do. But at the same time, I see what Canada, France, Germany, Russia et all are saying too. That is why everything is so hard and confusing.

This week has been long and I'm glad that it's not Saturday night and I still have another day tomorrow to just chill out. I have been in training all day for the past 4 weeks. Everyday at this place called the Education Centre, where we go through different training for our products, sales skills, negotiation skills and presentation skills. It's great and valuable knowledge but sitting in classrooms all day long for 4 weeks really takes it toll. I am not even ready for my job and in fact kind of scared of how it's going to go but I totally wanna get out and try it. I'm scared primarily cause I feel like I don't know enough to sell effectively. I think that it'll come with time though. As my experience goes along and as I work at this - I'll get better. It'll be like snowboarding or golf or any other skill I've acquired over the years. Starts out tough but you practice and work at it and can become really good at it. I know that I'm not going to be the best but I definitely think (and know) that I can be good at this career.

I watched John Q earlier this week. It was a pretty interesting story. I am definitely glad that the ending wasn't as sappy as I expected. And the story itself was good cause it really spoke volumes about America's healthcare system. Our Canadian system is said to be socialist (I believe that is the term that is used) so it's different from the American system. But, it also has it's problems. So, we have to figure out what the best system is. There's gotta be some way out there that citizens shouldn't have to pay for healthcare. If they are sick, they should get help.

I am watching tv right now and there is a special reports saying that "A U.S. missile may have mistakenly shot down British Aircraft" Damn, that is really bad - it's just like the Canadian plane that got shot down by American guns/missiles during the war in Afghanistan last year. War just scares me because so many innocent people are due to have their lives prematurely taken away from them.

This has been a deep blog...much deeper than I expected. I will write tomorrow about some other stuff - March Madness and Bringing Down the House (which I saw tonight)
Later all,

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