Friday, August 12, 2005

Happy Birthday to me

Hey everyone. Guess who's back? Well, it's about time I guess. I have had an idea of blogging again over the past 8 months but to be honest, just got lazy with it and never really followed through. It's August 12, 2005. Today is my 27th birthday. Crazy. I am 27 now. I am sitting in my hotel in Chicago right now. Was here all week for some new product training for work. We've been stuck at a hotel out by the airport so that's been sucky cause I haven't been able to head into the city at all. Tonight, we had some team building mini olympics thing and then after, some coworkers got be some drinks. I had a gin and vermouth martinin - BLAH!!! and then i had Bailey's on the rocks - much much better. Got up to my room, was about to pack but then, I turned on the TV. What did I find?

Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle was on. What a hilarious movie! This was my third time watching it but I totally had to watch the whole thing. It started at 11:30 CST and just ended at 1:00 am. So, it turned out to be the perfect way to start my birthday today. I fly home in about 15 hours (but who's counting right?). Then, when I land at 6:30, my boys Kris and Eric are gonna pick me up and we are going to lime and chill. I'm definitely looking forward to that. Then, I'll see my family and hang with my cousin Suhas who is visiting this weekend.

Time for bed. There is still plenty more of this day to come though...
Can't wait to see what's in store!

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