Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Can't beat Van City

I just had an awesome weekend in Vancouver. I didn't blog about it last week cause I didn't wanna take any chances and potentially give away my secret. About 10 days ago, I decided to fly out to Vancouver for the weekend to surprise Sach and Medini for their wedding. It was definitely a great surprise for them and also the rest of the guests that I've known for a long time. All in all, a great time and so much fun to catch up with the old Vancouver Marathi posse - you guys are a load of fun! And I'm definitely looking forward to chilling with you when some of you come to town for the Toronto reception.

As always, I fell in love with Vancouver yet again. It was perfect weather - blue skies, sun. Days like that in Vancouver just make it a city that is VERY hard to beat. It's got everything and of course, just looking up and seeing the mountains is definitely the kicker. It was also awesome to hang out with Vas who has totally become a west coast boy who I doubt will ever be back in Scarborough (and really, I don't blame him at all).

Wow - many people in the Marathi posse are pregnant or have young kids. It was so much fun seeing all the kids run around and enjoy themselves. Totally fun to play with them as well. I got some great photos.

Got back to town LATE last night so I am quite tired and gonna hit the sack soon. I did have a vball game tonight though. It was Sun of a Beach's last game for the summer. We started out well and ended well but the middle was a little annoying. In the end, it was a great FREE season so you can't go wrong with that. Great job Etch, Danielle, Mike and Piyali! It was fun to share the court with you guys this summer.

Good night all.

And of course - Happy Birthday Raj!!! Talk to you soon bro.

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