Wednesday, April 03, 2002

blogger. don't phug up on me now! you've been very fickle lately.

anyway, i will make this quick for fear that all will be lost. today it is brilliantly sunny outside. me, chooey and nicola had our harley davidson advertising presentation this morning and it went really well. we were the glue in our group, and although this will sound cocky, we got our group that A, not the other way around! the presentation went well. the ideas we had were great. Quarry liked our style. all in all, a good morning.

tchao left for seattle this morning. kick some ass dude!

tomorrow afternoon (2:30 - 4:00) is the last official class of my undergrad career! can you believe it? craziness. to celebrate, me and luen are gonna take some wobbly-pops with us and toast like it's new year's.

BACK TO REALITY now though cause i've got my accounting final in 6 days and stats in 9 days. that is not a lot of time at all! not to mention spanish in 9 as well. damn, i've got the next week and a bit cut out for me but damn, it will feel sweet when it's all dun. i know that motivation to study will be hard but i think that i'll be able to do it cause it's gonna feel so sweet ending on a high note. then, i gotta start more trip planning. i leave in less than three weeks! can you believe that? i can totally remember what i was doing three weeks ago and that was not that long ago at all.

i got my work cut out for me...

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