Tuesday, April 09, 2002

just got back from my second marathon at dana porter. yesterday was definitely a lot worse. i was there from 9:30 am until 11:00 pm and the only time i left was for a dinner break and to watch the end of the raptors game. today, didn't get there till 3:00 but was there till 11:30 pm again. man, i am getting sick of that place (but i definitely get a lot more work done there than at home). it's weird how that works. last term for finals, i was a study machine at home and got so much done. this term so far, has been dismal at home...really unproductive. perhaps it cause i procrastinate by doing so much trip planning stuff?

tomorrow is accounting 123 exam. should be okay. although i did freak myself out a bit tonight when i did the sample final and realized that i thought i knew how to do a couple of the questions, only to find out that i couldn't do squat. well, at least i know what i have to work on tomorrow morning.

before i go any further. i neglected to mention this last week after the event so i just wanna give a shout out to melissa and the rest of the camp out for the cause committee. we raised over $1200 for Amnesty International. WELL DONE EVERYONE!!!

well, update on sports i guess...cause it has been a while. raptors will make the playoffs and give the nets a run for their money. in hockey, oilers and canucks will be in. either phoenix or st. louis will be out! sweet. habs in for sure and will upset bruins. also, detroit will not make it to the finals. that is FOR SURE.

well, i am off to bed now.
only a few more days of this stuff.

i can do it.
i know i can.

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