Friday, April 19, 2002

woah...that was an expensive day. i spent a total of approximately $400 on gear today and what do I have to show for it?

a new pack - check out the marmot
a dry-fit shirt
dry-fit shorts
flash light
first aid kit
2 stuff sacks
small shoulder day pack (thanks Roppa)

it was a good day. a long day but a good day.

hung out with karen for most of the day. that was fun trying on back packs, avoiding phone calls and answering peoples questions like we actually worked in the store. also, went to the wheat sheef and peel pub at different times today to watch the first period (not so good) and third period (very good) of the leafs first-round, first-game win over the islanders. also hung out with john and his girlfriend sandra today. for those that don't know, john is a good buddy of mine from the science centre school. he is an awesome italian boy from brampton and him and i are really tight even though we don't get to hang out much. he was really helpful with the backpack purchase today and also with other trip-related suggestions. also - he bought me a daypack as a gift so that was pretty sweet. roppa - congrats on getting into teacher's college as well AND congrats on quitting keep it up!

off to bed,
gotta wake up in 6.5 hours to do more shopping :o(
then, i am going to waterloo to party tomorrow night!!!

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