Saturday, April 27, 2002

hello all. i am in bali right now and thought i would update my website. here was my first update of the trip:


I am in Bali, Indonesia right now at an Internet cafe staring at the Indian
ocean. Karen, Eric and I arrived safely last night and the first not was
pretty hot and sticky in our rooms.

Japan Airlines was fantastic. Great service; every seat has it's own tv,
with remote control.

Bali itself is beautiful. Last night, the three of us walked along Kuta
beach and midnight. Only the moonlight was lighting everything. We might try
surfing later on today. Also, gonna laze around for the time being.

Oh yeah, we had quite an experience at immigration here in Indonesia last
night. Since none of us have an exit plane ticket to leave Bali, the
immigration officer said that he couldn't let us into the country.
Basically, we had to pay him $40 US each for him to stamp our passports. We
got scammed for sure but oh well...wasn't much we could do about that.

I will definitely have more to write soon but for now, I will sign off.

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