Saturday, March 20, 2004

Away from the Scene's been quite some time since I last blogged. To be honest though, not much has happened. I watched quite a bit of NCAA basketball the last couple of days. I worked from home most of this week and took care of a lot of paperwork and general menial stuff that was piling up so that was good.

Last night, Kdot, G, Ashwat and the ladies got together to celebrate Raquel's recent Canadian Citizenship. We played the game Cranium. It's a solid board game with a lot of fun stuff going on. There are different categories which makes it great. You can hum songs, pictionary with eyes open AND with eyes closed, charades, word puzzle, data stuff, true/false, definitions and my favourite - SCULPTING. It's really cool. You get playdo type stuff and you have to make things like a shish kebob or paper clip or unicorn or lego. I had a great time playing that game. Sometimes though - I've noticed that board games bring out the worst in people depending on how competitive they are.

Tonight, I'm going to Ian and Haruko's for a sushi party. I am really looking forward to it. It's gonna be a great time.

I am also starting to look for a place. Jumping on the bandwagon with Kevin and Tai. I've been thinking about it for a while now and done some research but I am gonna get more into it now and find something slick.

Wish me luck.

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