Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It's always good to be a Toronto Sports Fan

On the surface, this looks like a good deal. In the looks just as impressive. The only downside is that Leetch is 36 years old and just raises the average age on this Leafs roster by more. They are already one of the oldest teams in the league and now, even more so. That said - this dressing room has really clicked all year long and adding a veteran such as Leetch should be a great acquisition. I am excited to see how he fits in to the club. I also don't think they are done. There is still the thought of a good solid big and tough stay-at-home defencemen. Also, possibly one more serviceable 2md line or 3rd line forward. I would still love to see Anson Carter in a Leaf uniform. I'll be at the Leaf game tomorrow in company seats so I'll say hello to Brian first hand on behalf of all of you.

As for the Raptors - I'm not sure what to say other than to pass along my utter dissapointment with this team. I am mystified at how lazy they are and how much they don't want to win. They have flashes of brilliance. For instance - the game last night against Miami. Actually, it wasn't brilliant but it was hard fought and they clawed back for the victory. Tonight, you expect them to go out and equal or exceed that performance against one of the crappiest teams in the league. Instead, they lose to the Wizards 84-70. What the $%^#@#$#% is up with that? Why not try to add Stickland to a 10-day contract? What about all that stuff earlier in the season about Tyrone Hill and/or Charles Oakley. We could still really use a solid big presence out there...

I am very excited about the upcoming Blue Jays season. Adding Hentgen and Batista to the starting rotation is big. They'll mesh well with Halladay. The offense is amazing with Wells and Delgado. It'll be interesting to see how things are handled with Delgado. I hope it's nothing like T-Mac's last season as a Raptor. All of the players appear to be in phenomenal shape in training camp. I think they all wanna finish 2nd in the east and either usurp New York or Boston. That will be an impressive feet on it's own cause those two teams are so strong. It would really be something if the Jays get into the playoffs again sometime soon.

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