Sunday, February 29, 2004

And the Oscar goes to...

Lord of the Rings? Man, they are cleaning up tonight. Really - is there any doubt? It's almost bad. Let me explain why. The movie was so good. The trilogy was fantastic. Everything about it was great. The accolades didn't come right away either. There weren't many awards after the first one. Not after the second one either. Everything was saved for the crowing glory in the final installment. The problem now that a lot of people that aren't as big fans will watch a show like the Oscars tonight or read about it tomorrow and just think that Lord of the Rings is the big bully in the school yard. Little do they know that the movie totally deserves all of these awards. In all honesty, it has been getting a little predictable and boring to hear that the Lord of the Rings wins another. This is also the cause it's all the stuff related to makeup, theatrical stuff, sound, cinematography, etc.

The Canadian movie - The Barbarian Invasions - just won for best foreign film. The director got up on stage and the first thing she said was "Thank god...Lord of the Rings wasn't in the foreign category." I thought that was quite clever.

On my list to see over the next little while...
Lost in Translation
Mystic River
Cold Mountain

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