Sunday, February 08, 2004

That was a fast 4 weeks...
Well folks, I am no longer a bachelor. The 'rents are home. I picked them up at the airport today at 4:00 pm. And now, it's back to normal life. We were having dinner together and it really felt like they hadn't even left. 4 weeks flew by and just like that, they were back. In their eyes - it was quite long - they were in Dubai for a few days, then India for 3.5 weeks where they traveled around just about every day visiting different relatives and cities. Then the last 3 days in London with my brother. Overall very hectic for them. It's really nice to have them home though. Being in an empty house just ain't that enjoyable. Especially coming home to a dark, empty house at the end of the day.

I went skating at Nathan Phillips Square yesterday for the first time in like 10 years. I went with Etch, Bird and Cdawg. We had a really fun time. I wasn't actually as bad as I thought I would be. I guess it's the rollarblading that I've been doing. Skating is so smooth and enjoyable. Especially on finely zambonied ice. After, we went to Tiger Lilly's for dinner and NS joined us. It was a fun dinner with good conversation and stories as usual. Following dinner, we proceeded to Ian's surprise birthday party at the Courthouse. That was a gathering of old L'Am high school posse and we had a great time. The age range of the guests in the establishment was from 20 - 50. It was hilarious. There were some pregnant women too. Everyone was partying so it was awesome. The best however was when we saw Eric's dad at the club. Well - it wasn't quite his dad...but damn, he was close. Billy Jean (by Michael Jackson) came on and Mr. Tchao (I mean, mystery man X) starting tearing up the dance floor. He busted out The Running Man, some crazy leg kicks (Russian style) and generally just the whole works. It was amazing to watch him - we were all quite mesmorized actually. That definitely made my evening. I must make one comment though...the music absolutely SUCKED. There was no flow to it. The DJ's (including the previously popular Tarzan Dan) were horrible. They didn't know how to mix or scratch. It was all about volume fades in and out. Clicking on "Next" on the CD Player and mixing sets of Madonna, Kool and the Gang, ABBA and Justin Timberlake. Just too much.

I spent the afternoon today with my niece. After lunch, I took her to Edward's Gardens to walk around the park. We were hanging out with about 50 ducks for quite some time. They were all quacking around looking for food. We tried to feed them some seeds we found on the ground but they weren't really buying it. I think they were waiting for the money load - some happy meals or something. After we were cold and we went to Second Cup for some hot chocolate. The whole afternoon - I think passers-by and observers probably thought she was my daughter. Cause I had her up on my shoulders and I was holding her hand most of the time. It was a lot of fun to hang out with her but definitely quite draining - both mentally and physically (moreso cause you are totally responsible for her and just gotta make sure she's safe, etc).

She's such a great kid...I can't wait to see her again!

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