Monday, February 02, 2004

Busy, Busy, Busy
Not sure where to begin but I am tired and can't really stay up too late tonight. Basically after that drive thru blog of last week - I was in training for work all day Wednesday - Friday AND Saturday till 1:00 pm. So, the last few days were quite busy with that.

Saturday - the rest of the day was spent in Sauga. NS and I chilled with Kris and Rayna. We did some shopping then had some awesome West Indian home cooking on Saturday night. We then watched 28 Days Later, which was quite possibly one of the WORST movies I've seen in quite some time. I won't even get into what I didn't like about it. There were just so many parts that really pissed me off and some of the concepts (especially everything with the soldiers) were quite disturbing.

Superbowl Sunday was fun. Went to my buddy Aneil's place for a party. He had this fun game where you had to pick something out of a hat like "Quarterback Sack" or "Touchdown" or "Time-Out" or "Referee Signals First Down", etc. I had the last one and let me tell you. That happens quite damn often. Each time your "event" happened - you had to take a shot. Needless to half time I was feeling pretty happy and I was hoping for no first downs in the second half. I must say that the halftime show sucked. P. Diddy was garbage. As was Nelly. Janet looked like Michael (other than when she decided to show her bre@$t). Kid Rock was stinky too. Why is everyone making such a big deal about the Janet thing? Look at all the rap videos and rock videos you see on MTV all day long. There are less than half naked women shaking their assets everywhere. There is violence. Songs about guns, drugs, etc. One little breast (with most of it covered) for about 2 seconds and everyone goes crazy. Look at some of the Superbowl commercials and there is more contoversy. Or how about the Lingerie Superbowl that occured on PPV during half time. Now - that is something to get all
p-oed about. In the end - it was planned. JT and Janet knew exactly what they were doing.

Tonight I played ball and had a bittersweet game. I missed some EASY shots (including a breakaway layup) so I was CRAP. I also defended the best player on the other team for a game and a half and outscored him 5 - 2 which was great cause he normally scores between 10-15 points. My offense is much better (from can only go up) when I play good D.

Last thing before I go to bed. Guess who's making noise tonight? And better yet - guess what he's doing? He's installing a damn satellite dish. Yes he is. What time is it? it's 11:11 pm. I can hear drilling. WHAT THE $*#@ IS THAT ABOUT? I can't win with this stupid idiot.

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