Wednesday, February 25, 2004

what the fugg???

Who the heck is Jannero Pargo? If you didn't know. He is the latest acquisition of the Toronto Raptors (losers of 7 straight). He is also the guy that had the ball in his hand for the final shot tonight. The Raptors were down by 2 against Washington (one of the few teams worse than Toronto) with 7 seconds left. Pargo brought the ball up court. The Wizards knew that Donyell Marshall is the Raptors go-to guy so they guarded him off the screen and roll. Why the hell didn't the Raptors set another quick screen to open him up? Or open someone up??? Instead, Pargo took the shot and probably know what happened.

That makes it 6 straight losses now. They are definitely looking like the playoffs aren't going to happen. They really have to do make some important changes in order to make it work. A solid PG is the beginning. Someone who will distribute the ball more evenly, drive when he needs to but most importantly - someone with control. I love Alvin so I hate giving up on him but he can't be a starter at this stage in his career. Palacio is worse than me (okay that's a stretch...but damn, he sucks).

There there is the whole Vince thing. I don't think I've ranted about Mr. Carter in quite some time. He is just such a tool. He doesn't play hurt. He is a woose and suck. Overall, just not someone I would like to have on my team if I owned one. I think we could deal him and get 2 decent players for him. Definitely not as much as we once would have but still we would have gotten something good.

Went to Bombay Bhel with the 'rents for a celebratory dinner tonight. It was yummy as usual. I ate WAY too much as usual. I am yawning like a mofo I must go to bed. Night all.

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