Sunday, February 29, 2004


I just watched Seabiscuit. That was a really good movie. I liked the way it was filmed and the way the story was told through timely narration. The scene of the big match race was cool too. The way they showed black and white shots of everyone listening to their radios around America. Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges and Chris Cooper all did an excellent job. The story was excellent as well. I wonder how close to the truth it was.

I have a question about the movie so if you haven't scene it - stop reading now...

When Tobey Maguire's character leaves his parents to go and live with someone (cause he has a "gift"), who does he go to stay with? I thought it was with Jeff Bridges character but it doesn't seem that way cause for the rest of the movie, they didn't pick up as if they knew each other from the past.

Big hockey game tomorrow at 2:00 pm! I bought a new hockey stick today so I'm ready to school you peeps...

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