Monday, February 16, 2004

Weekend? What Weekend?

Well, sometimes you gotta suck it up I guess. I worked at a conference all weekend. From 8:00 am - 5:00 pm on Friday, from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday and from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm on Sunday. It was a long weekend as a result. Yesterday, I went to my aunt's house after...chilled out there and took a 2 hour nap. Got home later in the evening. Cleaned up. Did laundry. Had dinner. Then, I decided to watch a movie.

I watched Bad Boys 2. What a bad movie. It was so cliche. The token bad Hispanic guy, the Russian mobster. There were so many scenes that didn't make sense. Too many characters. Dumb story. Too many unneeded profanities. It just wasn't a good story. You might say...well, it was an action movie so it didn't really need a story. I will counter with - "well, it had no story AND it was a $hitty action movie. Just dumb car scenes, shooting scenes. And, the banter b/w Martin Laurence and Will Smith was getting a little annoying by about the 5th minute. Overall, I didn't like it at all.

This week is gonna be crazy busy, as was last week, as will be the next month or two. That's just the way life is when you have a job that goes in peaks and valleys. It's very customer driven and right now is a peak customer time. Being busy is good but damn, it's tiring.

Valentines Day was night. I had dinner at Sagano with NS. It's a nice Japanese restaurant on top of the Delta hotel in Scarborough. In my 25 years of living in this city, I've never scene Scarborough from that vantage point. High up overlooking the 401 and spawling suburbs. It was quite amusing actually. They had some nice dishes. Asparagus maki wrapped in thinly slicked beef, Shitake mushrooms stuffed with shrimp, Braised eggplant which was very tasty.

Gotta get going now...Have a good day folks.

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