Wednesday, January 28, 2004

The Drive Thru
I was in a rush this morning cause I had to be in Mississauga by 8:30 am for a Training Class. I left the house at 6:45 thinking that would be enough time. It actually turned out to be okay cause I got to work around 7:45 so it only took me an hour. Now the problem was - I was early so what should I do?

I decided to visit the neighbourhood Timmy's at 401 and Mississauga Road. I saw the drive-thru line and thought..."Hell no, I ain't doing that. I am just gonna go inside, eat a bagel, drink some tea and relax". And that is exactly what I did. While I was "relaxing", I decided to make some simple human observations (cause I was sitting right by the window facing the place where people order their morning coffees, breakfasts, etc). This made for a very fun morning. I saw many different people, from all walks of life with many different mannerisms. Here's a highlight:

1. The cell phone talker who orders midsentence and then continues on their call
2. The hockey mom (you know who she is)
3. The prim and proper asian girl
4. The snow plow guy/plumber/electrician in their trade vehicle
5. The business man in his beamer
6. The chain smoker with smoke bellowing out of his car as he opens the window
7. The paranoid girl who opens up her window just a crack
8. The slick gino racing guy in his souped up car

So many people look up in the air as they order and a lot also closed their eyes. Not sure what that was about. There was this one cute girl who was ordering and when she was done, she looked through the window and saw me looking at her. She smiled and then quickly looked away, all shy and stuff. I am no Don Juan or anything but I guess I have that effect on the ladies. Well probably not but it's early...why not have some fun with me. The most popular cars (in the sample size of about 40 that I saw) were definitely SUVs - anything from Ford Escapes, Land Rovers, CRV, Saturns, Jeep name it. I also saw 3 Protege 5's (last years hit). All in all it was quite a funny morning.

All of them were so different (in the cars they drive, the clothes the wear, the way they talk) but something was the same - they all had $2.04 (just like me) to by a coffee/tea and a bagel.

Have a good day folks...

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