Monday, January 12, 2004

The Bachelor
Not quite the bachelor by the literal definition. I am on my own for the next month though. The 'rents are gone to the motherland. Dropped them at the airport on Friday. It's been a good and eventful weekend without them. But, now - it's back to the work week (starting in 7 hours). I've got a lot to write about but unfortunately...don't quite have the time I would like to blog right now. In a truncated update - here you go:

- Finally re-watched LOTR: The Two Towers. That was a great movie. It's definitely good to watch the extended version and I'm really glad that I watched it again cause I had forgotten a lot of stuff. Now, I'm ready to watch LOTR: The Return of the King
- Got the computer reset. Bought 256MB RAM which will definitely help. Got WIN-XP re-installed as well as a bunch of hardware. All I can say is a whole-hearted Thanks to Mr. Toh. You are a super bud! Thanks man!
- Saturday night - Cristine's 26th b-day party at Revival. It was Mod night so not totally our scene but everyone had a great time and Cris was definitely very very very happy. It was a blast! Cris - you were hilarious! Can't wait to see pictures...
- Nitin's Bachelor Party was today. Ntin is my buddy Kdot's older brother. It was a lot of fun. We had brunch at the Hot House cafe (at Front and Church) - lots of yummy food! Then, it was the Raptors-Blazers game. Raptors won (they looked much better than the last two games - like they actually wanted to win). Pool at V.I.P. and then back to Kdot's place for some za and cake and fun times.
- Saw my niece Ankita tonight for a couple of hours too. She was absolutely cute last night and didn't want me to leave. She was trying to coax and trick me into staying. It was amazing.
- Got home and shovelled the snow at 10:30 pm. Got it done in about 45 minutes and the driveway looks spotless now. Hopefully it doesn't snow too much over night.

C'est ca. C'est toute.
Bon Nuit.

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