Sunday, January 18, 2004

I finally saw The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King today and I must say that it definitely lived up to the hype in my eyes. I really liked the entire story - can't say which movie (if any) I liked more than the other because there are certainly parts of each that are better than other Overall though - all I can say is that Tolkien was such an imaginative person to come up with all of that. He created a fantasy world, the history behind it, several different elvish dialects and languages as well. It's so cool to see everything that he's actually done for the movie. There were some holes and I've got some questions. I do look forward to the extended DVD when it is released...probably this summer I think. I wonder if they will ever make the prequel movie (based on the book The Hobbit).

By the way folks...if you have a few seconds - please check out this website. It is absolutely one of the funniest things I've seen in a VERY long time. Enjoy

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