Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Props to Chooey
Just read your first blog of 2003 and Chooey, I must say...nice reference to Feni! That is some good $h!t. That stuff reminded me of some good times while I was in Goa. The highlight memory was definintely drinking Feni on the beach with a Swedish couple and a girl from the UK. We were all drinking Feni and Limca and playing Carrom right on the beach. It was such a surreal experience cause it was the first time I had played carrom in years. I used to play all the time with my dad and brother. It's such a fun game and when I get my own place, I am definitely gonna take out board with me. Also, great pictures Chooey - especially the enhanced ones. I like the "plastic" effect and the "impressionist" one is super cool.

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