Thursday, January 01, 2004

2004 Resolutions

They say that you have to verbalize and write down things you want to here goes for me

1. Keep on top of all my finances. Understand where it is all is. What it's doing. Where it needs to be, etc. I have MS Money 2004 to help me out.

2. Spend MORE QUALITY time with my CLOSE friends. I often spend lots of time with "periphery" friends and don't see my close friends as much as I should.

3. Spend at least 1 night/day per week with my niece Ankita. She is leaving Toronto at the end of the school year (May, 2004) and it's going to be tough to see her leave.

4. Start doing Situps and Pushups at home or hotel or wherever every day. Start with ~50-100 crunches and ~25 pushups. We'll see where I end up.

5. Read more. First book of 2004 - The Life of Pi (I am going to restart it and get through it properly this time).

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