Tuesday, January 27, 2004

White Christmas?
Wow folks. Now that is some snow. We got about 20-25 cm last night and there is some serious blowing wind today. Apparently there are some ice pellets and some freezing rain as well. I shovelled last night (what else is new?) and woke up this morning only to find all my work has been covered again. That said...I think it was good for me to shovel cause now the base layer won't be hard and icy. I can now just quickly shovel the layer that has accumulated since midnight.

I need to be in the office for training at 12:30 today. I'll probably leave around 10:00 to make sure I get there in time. This week - training everyday from 7:30 - 6:00 pm each day (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and 8:00 - 1:00 pm (Saturday). Allz I gots to say is...it's certainly white outside, but it doesn't feel like Christmas.

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