Monday, January 05, 2004

Dissapointment on Ice
The Canadian Juniors lost the gold medal today. The Americans did not win it. The Canadians were up 3-1 going into the third and like they've done the last two years, they lost the lead going into the third and ended up with the Silver Medal. Man, that was such a gut wrenching game. I'm glad I didn't see the winning goal live...that would have absolutely sunk me. Seeing the highlights is enough. Man, that was just bad bad bad luck. Fleury did what he thought he needed to. In retrospect, he should have played it differently but really, it's a game of inches and split second decisions.

Good work boys! You played your hearts out. It just wasn't enough today. Next year, you'll have to take that medal from the U.S. in their own backyard in Montana.

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