Thursday, January 22, 2004

Day to Day
I hate when I listen to the Fan 590 and they talk about injury updates on chumps like Vince and they describe them as day-to-day. It is quite annoying. I mean - I don't know how serious his injury is...he was rolling around as if he had his nuts kicked in. It's probably not that bad but I still question is heart, intensity and passion. Vince just seems to float around. He has flashes of brilliance but it's never 100%. Look at Iverson. Look at Garnett. Those are warriors who battle every minute of every game for their teams. Vince has done that... (well you can probably count the number of times he's done it on one hand this season).

I was at the Raptors - T-Wolves game last night and it was quite frustrating. They played well for certain pieces of the game but couldn't put together an entire 100% 48 minute effort. It seemed that Garnett, Sprewell and Cassell were just toying with the Raptors as well. They could just turn it on like a light switch.

Vince has it in him. He is just happy being a wuss and floating around. Why go crazy and rush back from an injury and play hard when you have a guaranteed contract? He needs a good kick in the ass from guys like Iverson or Garnett. Maybe all that Oakley talk is just - maybe the Raptors should give him a try. I can't see him really messing up anything more than it already is. He's good for 10 - 15 minutes/game, 4 - 6 rebounds, 3 - 4 hard fouls per game and the best part - he'll get in Vince's face and under his skin (like he used to).

I wonder what Vince's mom thinks of this? I think she's the one that ran Oakley out of town last time.

It's off to Pizza Pizza now to collect my free slice of pizza cause the Raptors scored more than 91 points last night.

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