Thursday, January 15, 2004

Driving and Shovelling
Man o Man...It is wintery and quite snowy outside. I was out all day today at customer sites in Hamilton and Waterloo. Drove around like a mofo so it was absolutely nuts. And all day, it was snowing. I got home to Scaborough tonight at around 10:30 after dinner with Kris. While I was driving, I almost got in an accident with myself and the guardrail at 403 and Cawthra. The roads were quite slippery but despite my 4x4 - I slipped and started fishtailing for about 6 or 7 seconds. It was quite scary cause I couldn't control the car at all. Totally a weird sensation. I was so cautious the rest of the way home. Once I returned home, I then had to shovel out my driveway and I was outside for over an hour doing that, as well as salting and cleaning off the Protege. I shovelled yesterday too. And, the day before. Man - this is nuts. And actually...I'm sure this is just the beginning cause I am definitely gonna be doing more.

I just spoke to my parents in the motherland. They arrived on Tuesday night after a couple of days in Dubai (which they said was awesome). While it's -28 with the windchill here, it's probably about +28 degrees there if you were curious.

I also did a spinning class today at the gym that absolutely kicked my @$$. As a result, I've gotta go to bed now cause I am falling asleep as I type. I have so much work to do tomorrow...hopefully it all gets done.

Good night.

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