Sunday, January 04, 2004

The Break is OVER
Just like that, the last couple weeks of pseudo-work are done and it's back to the "grind" as some would call it. We are supposed to get 10-15 cm of snow tonight so tomorrow could be a crazy morning for all the drivers on the 401 and everywhere else. I have a conference call in the morning that I'm going to take from home and head in to the office in the afternoon if I have to. That way I don't have to deal with stupid traffic first thing in the morning.

The past weekend has been great. Friday night was a get-together at Ian and Haruko's place. It was a housewarming and a lot of the old L'Am posse were there. We had a really good time playing the pop culture Trivial Pursuit game and another game called Name Droppers. Some of the highlights included my $10 victory when I was able to recall that the 1994 NBA final was between the New York Knicks and Houston Rockets. I did so under severe pressure after Tai bet me I couldn't remember it. Man, I don't know how I did it...but I definitely pulled that out of my @$$. It's funny how much useless (mostly sports) knowledge is in my head. During the Name Droppers game, I was definitely embarrased cause at one point, Linda was trying to do a sounds like for someone named Larry. She couldn't thing of anything until she blurted out "Aneil's Back". Immediately her teammates answered "Hairy" and it was over. Everyone was laughing their asses off and I was looking for the nearest closet. For the record...MY BACK AIN'T THAT HAIRY (despite what Eric has to say).

I finished my London scrapbook from this summer cause I finally got my digital prints printed. For all y'all that want prints - go to Loblaws or cause you can get digital prints (Glossy With Borders) for $0.29 each if you have 20 or more and $0.39 each for 20 or less. That is much less than the Future Shop $0.49 per without borders. If you do it online, they can ship to a Loblaws store and then you don't have to pay for shipping either.

Yesterday, watched the rest of LOTR 1. Gonna re-watch LOTR 2 (The extended edition) this week and then hopefully will see LOTR 3 next weekend.

Tonight, Christine was in town for some not so great family business. The gang did manage to get together for a couple of hours though for some bubble tea which made for a good evening. It's always great to hang with close buddies and catch up. We all shared New Years stories and Kevin talked about Cuba. This week is Cris' birthday so I'm sure the upcoming festivities this weekend will be great.

Tomorrow is the World Junior Championships Gold Medal game between Canada and the U.S. It should be an excellent game as the two teams match up very well with each other. If you have some time - check it out! GO CANADA GO!!!

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