Sunday, January 25, 2004

is it already sunday night?
wow...these weekends go by much too fast. let's go back a few days to start out. on thursday night january 22, my friend was over and her car was parked across the street on my road. i told her to give me her keys cause, as i said "I don't want your car to get hit" (cause that's what happened to our honda accord about 2 months ago. i was just finishing something on the computer and what do you know but i hear this loud "BANG". i look outside. i see her car rolling forward. i see this other car really mashed up against the snow on the curb. immediately, i go running downstairs...tell her and grab my jacket. i go outside and the guy who hit her car is just getting out of his car (kind of in a daze cause of what he just did). alls i gots to say is - wow that was damn annoying. basically, every since that plans (and her plans) had to completely change and we were trying to figure out all these little stupid details for the past 2 days (finally resolving something yesterday afternoon). he didn't want to go through insurance cause he was recently in an accident and his rates would have skyrocketed. we'll help this guy out but he better not stiff us. that's why it won't be totally good and finalized until that guys meets her at the honda dealership on tuesday morning to pay honda to have the car fixed. then, we'll breath a sigh of relief. until then - it's day to day ;o)

last night, i was supposed to have a "guys night" at my place. a bit of poker. some hockey. some beers. maybe some video games. it ended up being a complete flop. only eric and thomas showed up so thanks guys. i'm not sure what the heck happened. i actually didn't hear back from a bunch of the guys (so, thanks for that you fools!). anyway, maybe i'll try to do it again sometime soon. no guarantees though. we did watch T3 (my second time seeing it). i think i may have been a little dense during the summer cause the ending was kinda cool and definitely a twist from the norm that most of us were probably expecting. still though - no james cameron = a lot of b.s. arnold cheeky humour and a bunch of dumbass one liners like "talk to the hand", which as eric pointed out was from like 5 or 6 years ago.

i called my brother this morning and guess where he was. on a bus in austria. why you ask? well, he was off for a snowboarding week in austria. pretty wicked trip, eh? on another note - i might be going to glen eden with eric and some of his work buddies this tuesday for some boarding. somehow, it just doesn't compare. not exactly sure if i can pinpoint why but i just know that glen eden is probably the size of an ant-hill in austria.

today was a busy day. had brunch at summit grill at yonge and eglinton with sach, "melanie" and our friend fresh_resh who was visiting from vancouver. it was cool to catch up with those guys and i had a lot of fun. the food (especially the omelets and sweet potatoe fries) were very yummy. after, i went to my aunt claire's house for some afternoon chilling and swiss chalet for dinner. i taught her how to use her dvd player so hopefully she gets some good use out of it. as i was driving home from her house, some punk ass kids through a snow/ice ball at my car as i was passing them on don mills. what the fugg is that??? if i was more antagonistic...i probably would have stopped the car and cussed them out. instead, i went with the common passive agressive canadian mentality of bickering about it to myself throughout the rest of the drive home.

guess who is keeping me awake right now. going along with that passive agressive statement - what the fugg else can i do with this fool? he is just an inconsiderate idiot. i would like to think that if i ignore him for the time being, it'll go away but this is 4 straight nights now and there's no end in sight. should i blare hindi music at 6:00 am? what would that solve? he would just play his $hit louder and later at night. the police don't do anything either. you call them with a noise complaint. they take about 1 hour (or sometimes more) to respond. by then, the noise is off and the complainer looks silly. there really isn't a solution. this sucks big time.

gotta go and get the rest of my sunday night routine finished. laundry. bills. paperwork.

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