Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hitting the Slopes

I leave for the big Vermont snowboarding trip tomorrow. I can't's gonna be a blast. I'm glad that I bought a board this year. Too bad that I only used it once though. Anyway, I'll get a solid 3 days in this weekend and it will hopefully be nice powder. The last trip of the season should hopefully be dope. I am stoked for this trip and looking forward to just chilling and not doing much of anything other than boarding and hopefully some hot tubbing (assuming there is one). There are bus loads of peeps going on this trip going so it should be a fun time and I'm sure I'll meet some new people.

Apartment hunt is going well. I've seen 1 good place so far. All the rest are basically shoeboxes. I don't know how people live in 500 or 600 square foot apartments. I mean, I guess it is good for some people or all they can afford in a certain area. But, I would rather live a bit farther out and have more space. Settling for 500 or 600 square feet (especially in some of the places I've seen) just isn't going to happen. This one place I saw yesterday had a bathroom that was about half as big as the bedroom and nearly as big as the kitchen. What the fugg is up with that? Use that space for other stuff man! And, I love when they do the "combined living/dining" area so that way the room seems bigger.

I am tired. This weekend is coming at the right time.

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