Thursday, March 11, 2004

on the road...but same issues

I'm in Sault Ste. Marie tonight...staying at a really nice hotel. I am getting ready for bed and what do I hear? Some idiot in the room beside me has his TV on maximum volume. I think he might be hard of hearing or something. It is really annoying and eerily familiar to the ish going on at home (which, knock on wood, hasn't happened to much of late). This crap seems to just follow me, eh?

Did you hear about the bombings in Madrid today? That was quite a shock. It's scary to think how many innocent people just ride the train everyday. How scared would many of them have been on the way home in the evening? people just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reminds me of Sari nightclub in Bali. During our backpacking trip almost 2 years ago, Karen, Eric and I went to that club and the place across the street. About 8 months later, there was that terrorist bombing that levelled both places. So many innocent people there in the wrong place at the wrong time yet again.

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