Friday, June 18, 2004

Wireless Goks

I just connected my wireless card on my laptop all by myself. I've been trying to figure this damn thing out and now, I've finally done it! So, I am back in the wireless world of the Internet. Man, I love not having to be tethered to a cable. Now, I can sit out on my deck and chill. Look at recipes while I'm cooking in the kitchen. This is perfect. Tai/Kevin (my tech support peeps) - you must be proud. I figured this ish out on my own.

In unrelated news. I've had a really good week. Work wise - not really but has been quite fitness filled, I've eaten well AND i've met some really cool new people.

It's 1:15 in the morning now...methinks that is well past the time for bed. Night all.

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