Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Monday night and what did i do? I hung out with Kev and Tai in their apartment and then we all went over to Etch's place to see his new condo. Man, it's so cool to live downtown and definitely awesome to be around everything and all your buddies. My time will come and my plans for the future are going in a certain direction so I have to steer clear to that path but dang, seeing their places totally makes me wanna be down there too. Etch, you condo is awesome dude! Definitely gonna look awesome when you're done. I'm totally stoked to see how you set it up. I think it's gonna be great. The bed frame looks slick too man.

Oh to live downtown. Wouldn't that be nice? Some day I will have that chance. Everything happens when it needs to and my plans will come together nicely when they are destined.

Speaks of plans coming together, shoutouts go out to Ruth who is embarking on a life changing journey in Uganda. She left Toronto last Friday and is currently in training in BC. She'll be headed to Uganda soon and is working on a number of projects. The quick and dirty explanation is as follows. She'll be "assessing villagers habits and routines with respect to providing them with daily sustenance and developing existing projects or creating new projects that deal with increasing their nutritional intake." Definitely something I'll learn more about as the days, weeks, months go by. Ruth - I'm really proud of you doing this and think it's an awesome endeavour. Best of luck for a fun and safe journey!

Good night all...

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