Sunday, November 20, 2005

busy satuday, chill sunday

Well, this weekend definitely went by FAST. It was great. But man, where did the time go? I think the main reason it was so quick is cause I didn't get home till close to 1:30 AM on Saturday morning cause of all the stupid escapades I had with planes on Friday night.

Anyway, I woke up on Saturday morning and was supposed to meet up with some friends at St. Lawrence Market for brunch. That didn't work out cause I was way too tired so I just chilled with my parents, had some lunch and caught up on stuff. I wanted to go play some vball but it wasn't in the cards that day (cause I didn't get a second phone call...) ;o)

That afternoon, it was the Third Annual Hung Long Master of the Universe Curling Tournament organized by Mr. Tchao. Once again, a fantastic fun-filled afternoon and even better was that the participants list grew to close to 40 this year. We had 5 sheets of ice for our games and it was a blast. I think I played much better last year but alas, we still had a great time and almost finished undefeated. Nicole was a natural and definitely our ringer. Yollanda actually had some skills but Collin definitely had the shot of the day when his rock landed right on the button.

After curling, a bunch of us went to the OSC to check out BodyWorlds. It was quite an interesting exhibit. Definitely worth checking out. I think my expectations were too high only cause of all the hype I had heard from others. Definitely don't go on a Saturday if you can avoid it cause it's unnecessarily slow and crowded. Also, the layout they have (starting in the ramp) is silly cause it creates such a bottle neck at the beginning. There are definitely some really cool features. My highlight was seeing the bodies in some actual positions like skiing, skating, soccer, etc. I wonder if those people were actually those types of athletes when they were alive - that would be even cooler.

After Bodyworlds, I had some Vietnamese food at Pho Saigon (thanks for the suggestion Flo!) I had Pho for the first time in a while and I actually liked it this time. Not sure why I wasn't a big fan the last few times I ate it but I'd have it again... Or maybe it was just this place cause it did taste good.

The night ended with a trip to Ketan's place to chill with Ashwat and G. We played some pool, saw K&R's new phat cat named Puppy and had some laughes. We have our holiday party planned for December 3rd. That will mosdef be a very chill night!

This morning, I got up and my friend Natalie came over. We had a great time catching up with each other's lives - all the juicy gossip. It was great to see her and just sit around and talk. Later, I helped mom with lunch and then went out and raked leaves...all in all for a total of about 3 hours. Raked in the front, side and back of the house and filled up 3.5 bags (those huge brown ones). But the job is done now so that is good. Watched the end of the Argos game. Man, they really shot themselves in the foot with all those turnovers. Oh yeah, and the Raptors finally won one today. Albeit, it was against the Heat without Shaq. But, at this stage (prior to a 4 game Western Road Trip), they needed something. Anything really. After this trip, are they gonna be 1 and 13? We'll see. ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are tres gay.