Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thursday at Home
Wow, I haven't been "working from home" in a while. I have been on the road in Western Canada and Southwestern Ontario for the past 2 weeks. It's nice to finally be home.

Yesterday, I rediscovered one of my biggest pet peeves (and probably the same for most peeps) - Toronto Traffic. It took me nearly 3 hours to get from Simcoe (south of Brantford) back to Toronto yesterday evening. There was no snow. No accidents. Just stupid drivers being stupid and so many of them so the volume was too much. I was getting so impatient in the car - I just wanted to get home. The QEW was rammed. So was the 403. And the 401 and the 427. It was just too much.

On Tuesday night, I played vball and it was great. I was a serving machine and had some good spikes in too. The team played great and we were 5 and 1 after the night so that was sweet. Tonight, I am playing again for a bit before meeting up with Ashwat, Kdot and G. Should be a good game. I leave for Chicago early AM on Saturday and then I'm gone for a week so I am gonna miss vball all of next week unfortunately. Vball is such a great game. I am so glad I started playing it again 2 years ago and it's amazing to see the improvements. I couldn't hit at all but now, I can spike (still slightly unorthodox but it works).

Back to working I guess...

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