Monday, August 12, 2002

wow dudes...i am 24 years old. that is pretty crazy. i am all gradumacated. i have a job. a pet fish. responsimabilities. geez, i am growing up right before all your eyes! today was an okay day but it definitely wasn't like spending my birthday at home. i am all alone here in Milwaukee (these new friends here from work are cool but it's just not the same as old good friends or family, you know?) today I was in Consultative Sales training class all day from 8:00 am till 7:00 pm. then, I went to Subway (woo hoo!!!) for dinner with a bunch of classmates. now, i am doing my laundry and working on a presentation about Nuclear Medicine that is due tomorrow. all in all, a pretty lacklustre day.

thank you very much to everyone who remembered me today. you guys are awesome!

by the way,
tai - yep, it's still broken
craig m - thanks a lot for the shout out last week
k - got your message that you got my message :)

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