Tuesday, October 01, 2002

it's 12:00 am in Winnipeg right now. I am pretty drunk cause I had 1/2 a litre of white wine with sushi tonight. dinner was fantastic at this restaurant in winnipeg called Meiji Sushi (like the Meiji Shrine in Harajuko, Tokyo).

I have been meaning to blog for a long time now but cause it's late, I should get to bed. I promise to write more soon though. I definitely promise.

Thanks to Amisha for sending this message:

>Below are the lyrics to Missy Elliot's new song: Work It
>(I believe the line in question is the last one...)
>Is it worth it, let me work it
>I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it
>If you got a big [elephant], let me search it
>To find out how hard I gotta work ya
>(close to aneil's interpretation of the last line as:
>itz snurf ama within id nayet chrup)

Yeah, so it seems like I didn't know what I was talking about. But then again, did any of you?

Also, happy birthday to Reva and Bina today. Hope you both have excellent days and I would love to see both of you soon. Reva - good luck in Mexico when you leave next week.

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