Saturday, February 01, 2003

Hello ladies and gentlemen...I am well rested and now I can tell you the proper story since last night, I was a little bit on the tired side. We went to this place called Madison Masala. After a nice Indian dinner, we were sitting around chilling and drinking and slowly watching this restaurant transform into a lounge. It was really cool to observe...the DJ was setting up his equipment and the tables were being was slowly getting transformed. Then as the night continued on, we got into the hookah. The hookah just tasted so good and we had so many different flavours - mango, rose and something funky called faukfahenah (which was basically like sour apple). As we were smoking this stuff, it went down so was money. After Madison Masala - we continued walking down State street and ended up at Blue Velvet, a martini bar. The music was so eclectic and it led to our crazy conversation about music which ranged from Sir Mix a Lot to Another Bad Creation to Enigma to Kris Kross to Alanis Morrisette. Very very strange converstaion - possibly induced by the wacky tabaccy that was inhaled earlier in the evening.

When I got home on Friday night, it was late but I wasn't totally tired so I started to watch Vanilla Sky. It was a pretty cool movie - very different and really makes you think. It's full of symbolism which is kind of cool and it is quite unique. There were times though that I was thinking - what is going on? Like, who is Jules Vern and why was she refered to like 3 times in the movie? I definitely have to watch it again. The soundtrack is really good though. And DAMN - I love Penelope Cruz. In this movie, as always, she is so beautiful but her character is so unique and cute and bright and spontaneous - it's amazing. I really dig "Sophia" in this movie...REALLY DIG HER!

On Saturday, I went on my first ever Brewery tour at the Sprecher Brewery. The tour guide was quite knowledgeable (I guess most tour guides have to be, eh?). This place makes beer and sodas and we were tasting quite a bit after the tour so that made some peeps very happy. After the tour, we all (like 15 of us) went back to Andy and Raymond's place to chill out and drink and watch TV and play cards. I got killed in this one drinking game called 6 in 1 and had to drink a lot of beer which totally sucked cause I am not a beer fan. The rest of the night - just chilled out although we did all go to a Chinese restaurant for dinner - speaking of which....Gong hey fat choi to all my chinese brothers and sisters out there.

I am absolutely baffled by the news of the Columbia space shuttle that crashed yesterday in Houston and Louisiana. It is so crazy to actually imagine what was going through the astronaughts heads as they knew there was no hope. The debris just kept accelerating as it fell towards the ground and the heat generated must have been absurd. It's truely remarkable that everything was limited to less than 2 states because it could have been even worse. They still don't know what went wrong but there are some theories regarding a piece of the thermal layer that fell off during take off 2 weeks ago. Being an astronaught is definitely very near the top of my All-time Career Aspirations. I wonder how an event or circumstance like this causes anyone to rethink their decision about being an astronaught. I suppose the same kind of scenarios should be applied to other professions like a physician or lawyer.

Did anyone watch the Simpsons tonight? Damn that was funny. Here are some quotes:
The tetris scene was absolutely, positively priceless - especially the way he arranged Bart and Lisa into the car.
Rainier Wolfcastle to Homer - "Go to sleep little fatso"
Apu referring to Maggie's diper - "That is the most pungent smell in the world…and I am from India"
Ralph Wiggum after being pepper sprayed by Marge - "Even my boogers are spicey."

and in the second episode tonight:
Homer is painting on a wall and it says "El Homo" because his justification is that If Bart can be El Barto – then he’ll be

That's it for this evening...time for bed folks.
Good Night,'

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